There are thousands of factories in China. In some regions, factory density is particularly high, and some regions have specialized in certain products. In some regions, production is cheaper but more cumbersome because communication is hampered by a lack of English. Some manufacturers have a higher standard of production. Some are faster. Some produce by hand. Some are fully automated.
But don’t worry: We will find the right manufacturer for your product and your needs.
Inland or near the coast?
In the interior of the country, manufacturers are usually cheaper than near the coast or in the large metropolitan areas. On the other hand, they are often very difficult to reach, usually no one speaks English and manufacturers are not prepared for export. However, if you plan to produce a product for a long period of time and rely on a particularly low price, you should make the effort and find such a factory. Just like we do with our team on site.
Many factories are located near the coast or near the large megacities. Here, communication is usually not a problem and manufacturers are already set up for export. In addition, these production sites are usually easy to reach and the accommodation in their vicinity meets European standards. Those who have little time or buy a product only once should therefore rather look for a factory near the coast.
C2G Production maintains contacts with hundreds of manufacturers throughout China. No matter what you are looking for, a production as cheap as possible over a longer period of time or a fast turnaround, we usually have the right solution for you in our portfolio.